Boat Advertising in Ocean City, MD.
We offer a huge, blank canvas on which you can creatively display your company or product. This unique platform will grab a lot of attention and garnish the type of exposure you are looking for in this highly populated tourist area where we see at least 8 million people a summer that visit the Ocean City, Maryland area. You may display business advertising, Instagram profiles/hash tags for exposure, notices for special events, and political marketing. We host numerous parties, booze cruises, and boat tours all summer long and are underway most days. OC Swim Call and its owners have no affiliation with paid advertisers and sponsors.
All cost of advertising on OC Swim Call will be up to the persons that choose to advertise which includes and not limited to, the cost for printed material for wraps, banners, and installation.
Sharing Media Marketing Space
We do allow shared spacing. For instance, if you wanted to do a boat wrap but don’t have in your budget for the full price; you can partner up with another business and share the media space and the price.
If you have any other ideas or questions that you don’t see stated above, please let us know and we will try to work with you on marketing your company or product to the best of our abilities.
All cost of advertising on OC Swim Call will be up to the persons that choose to advertise which includes and not limited to, the cost for printed material for wraps, banners, and installation.
Sharing Media Marketing Space
We do allow shared spacing. For instance, if you wanted to do a boat wrap but don’t have in your budget for the full price; you can partner up with another business and share the media space and the price.
If you have any other ideas or questions that you don’t see stated above, please let us know and we will try to work with you on marketing your company or product to the best of our abilities.
Example Full Boat Skin AD
How does a floating billboard sound? You can have the entire boat to advertise your company!